Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Long time, no post!

So I haven't been posting on this blog at all lately because I haven't been watching much for new horror movies. I have't had the time really. I have been getting my pinup studio together and getting ready to run off to art school in August!But now I am getting more down time to watch movies and do what I really like. As of right now my life plan is to go to Montserrat for four years. Major in Graphic design(because there is work in it and I have been told I have an eye for design) and I am going to minor in sculpting. Which will give me a good background for the next step in my plan, which is to go to special effects makeup school! I have had the Savini school in the back of my mind for a while now. So if in four years I still want to go into special effects I will go and get the education I need there and come back to Massachusetts where more and more movies are being shot. But how knows how things will go I am always changin my mind on what I like!

As of late the only horror thing I've done was buy the 100th issue of Rue Morgue! It is pretty kick ass! Totally worth picking up! I loved the coverto start and the content was preatt awesome. It was a lot on Christopher Lee, I haven't seen many of his movies but the articles made me want to!

I'll leave you with one of my favorite horror themed songs.

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